Minggu, 26 Juli 2015

Poor feeding health problems in children

Poor feeding health problems in children ,- In the following article we will discuss the causes of the Son Hard Spot and Solutions How to Cope. Read this article more often we see children feeding, of course, a mother feels confused in react. However this should not be considered trivial, sometimes because too believe the same myth of a mother just take it as a matter of course. But keep in mind the child is in need of a balanced nutrition and regular. It is a key determinant of the child to be healthy and active, every child needs to grow flowers that are important to them.

However every parent is expecting her grow up healthy and active. But if a child has been difficult to be invited to eat the mother needs to know why the Son Hard Spot? What is the solution?

Petumbuhan Good child can compare the weight or height for age, or by comparing weight to height. Suggested growth charts used by the WHO, has been used in Indonesia in the form of health card (KMS). Therefore, it is very important to do the weighing and height measurement and listing on the graph to monitor growth.

Causes of Child Hard Spot

Cause 1: Loss of Appetite

Based on several studies, this is caused by the presence of small factors experienced by children especially in infancy. In such conditions, babies tend to be more frequent spitting the food he ate or just want to suck on it. It is indeed fair conducted by the baby in general, but still there must be complementary foods that enter the body. As it can be caused by infants sudden loss of appetite. However, this condition is relative, not all babies experience. To improve the appetite we have provided a solution in this article, please read this article until selesei.

Cause 2: Curiosity large

Development phase as curiosity greater to the outside world so that the meal that he should be able to be not so child care. If your kids are bored eating the way fed, then you have to let it to feed themselves or to explore his own cause at the stage in children tend to want new things in development.

Cause 3: Growing Teeth

There is also the cause of the child does not want to eat, which is caused by a physical disorder that affects an interest in eating, for example, when a child is experiencing teething ,, adalakanya mothers should replace slightly textured foods a little rough.

Cause 4: Medium colds and coughs

Causes of difficult children can eat their body condition due to the unstable slam the sense that the child is not feeling well as cough and pilek.Susah eat that are simple (such as being ill) is usually not up to indicate a significant impact on the health and development of the child. Significant impact would occur on the condition hard to eat heavy and long.

For the short term, the impact could occur as a state of acute energy shortage danhipoglikemia (blood glucose less), cold sweats, convulsions, unconscious. While in the long term, difficulty eating will result in barriers to growth and development (failure to thrive), malnutrition, vitamin A deficiency, iodine deficiency and other minerals, iron deficiency anemia, and decreased immune intelligence

Cause 5: Eat Snacks

Other causes of child does not want to eat that is caused Children have a lot to eat a snack-snack. Well, what matters more is what is eaten snack? If a snack is not complete nutrition then although the Son was not hungry, but on the other hand do not get enough nutrition. For that, it needs to be made daily meal schedule so that the Son eat regularly and get complete nutrition, including entering the main dining and snack menu.

Cause 6: Not Appetite

Difficult Child Why Spot? What is the solution? Entering the age of 1 year, the child begins to show a desire in food, for example, on one day only eat chicken any child within 1 week and then not want to eat chicken at all but only eat fruits. Mothers do not have to worry about seeing signs like these, the importance mother can make food more varied so that children are interested. At the age of 2 years, children prefer to run to and fro so fussy when told to eat. Facing this child like a mother should give solid foods are nutritious and complete but smaller portions and more frequently.

Cause 7: Indicates ego

Children aged 3-4 years begin to enter a phase negatifistik is refusing to eat because it shows ego. Mom can work around this by serving as attractive as possible so that the child difficult to refuse food given. It could be that the child does not want to eat because it was too much to consume a snack, for that mother must be set so that children are not too frequent snacks.

Cause 8: Eat Sweet Spot Before Schedule

What happens if you eat sweet chocolate (or other sweet foods) just prior to eating rice ?? You can be sure we will be reluctant to eat the main meal of rice. Why did it happen? Because the sweetness in foods such as chocolate and other sweet foods high in calories and give full effect shortly. If just before eating the main meal your child likes chocolate snacking then the effect they will be reluctant to eat the main meal.
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As a parent you need to create a schedule of when your child is allowed to eat ice cream, chocolate, sweet breads and other sweet foods. Avoid eating sweet foods just before eating schedule. If you do this, then your children will be more voracious in eating their main meals.
Solution And How To Overcome Difficult Child Eating
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How to Cope 1: Therapeutic Play and Make While Eating Fun

Usually this is done on young children up to the age of toddlers. While playing, parents can observe and analyze how children's play patterns of stories shown. Through play therapy, children's conflict problems can be traced, then resolved according to the cause. Avoid threaten, punish, or frighten the child so that he eat more. This will make her feel that while eating an unpleasant moment. And it is quite likely to cause psychological trauma for him

How to Cope 2: Teach good eating behavior and Eat Regularly

Provide a varied diet so that children know many flavors and types of food. Be a good model to get used to eat together at the dinner table. Eating together is an important arena of interaction between parent and child. Parents can also be a fun companion at the dinner table. By doing so, the relationship between parents and children closer. Eat regularly or according to schedule regular children eat is one of 6 Solutions to Overcome Difficult Kids Eat effective. Schedule time eat regularly, so that the little accustomed to eating time. Similarly, bedtime, bath and so on.

How to Overcome 3: Give healthy snacks and Attractive

After the walk, the child likes to explore the surroundings. Especially when entering the age of 2 years, more and more activities. This might make it difficult to sit and eat in peace. To work around this, give him healthy snacks in small portions but diverse. For example, balls of potatoes carrots and minced meat contents, the contents of fla mini chocolate eclairs, donuts tabor cheese, and so on. http://kellyjolovesgavin.blogspot.com

How to Overcome 4: Give Reward

If your child has difficulty eating, why not try to give a reward or gift to them. Small children are usually very fond of giving from parents. This will greatly help your child become lazy eating ravenously. Do not we as a child if the parents are so excited when we promise something to placate them? Your child is the same.

As a parent of course you need to choose a reward or gift that educate, ie recreational to the zoo. This is in addition to good to stimulate your child's meal will also have a positive impact on them.

How to Overcome 5: Use Supplements Vitamins Appetite Enhancer Son of Tiens

If your child has difficulty eating you can also provide appetite enhancer supplements for children. Tiens has provided appetite enhancer supplements are safe and quality child. Vitamin products can be used by children, toddlers and infants. Products from tiens has been certified Halal MUI and BPOM RI. With this certification, it can be said that the product is of high quality vitamins. For more details about the product tiens appetite enhancer and penggemuk body of Tiens, please open the following link: obat anak susah makan


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