Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

5 good fruit for pregnant Young

During pregnancy, consuming fruits indeed highly recommended especially for young pregnant women. The vitamins and minerals contained in fruit, would be able to supplement the nutrients for pregnant women in maintaining the health of the body and her pregnancy. Here, we have exclusively summarize the 5 types of good fruit consumed young pregnant women who may be your consideration in determining Your fruit menu today. obat qnc jelly gamat

1. Banana Banana Fruit is found into one of the good fruit to young pregnant women due to the potassium contained therein can be beneficial in relieving constipation problems (constipation), which usually strikes in early first trimester pregnancy.

In addition, bananas can also be food sources of B vitamins, vitamin C, and fiber food source. Vitamin B6 is useful to overcome anemia, vitamin C is useful for increasing the durability of the body against disease and free radicals, while food fibers are useful for fixing the system pencernan of pregnant women who are troubled.

2. Avocado Fruit in contrast to bananas, avocados are categorized into one of the good fruit to young expectant mothers is because vitamin B6 his prominence. Vitamin B6 or may also called folic acid, can overcome the problem of nausea and morning sickness the usual greeting expectant mothers at the beginning of the period of her pregnancy. You can cultivate this fruit in the form of juice or direct consumption without processing. Avocado fruit can also be used in maintaining the stability of blood sugar for pregnant women who suffer from diabetes. In addition, some of the scientific research it is known that this fruit can also help minimize the risks of infant birth defects such as spina bifida. To know what are the benefits of avocado fruit for pregnancy, you can go to this article.Vig Power Capsule

3. Citrus Orange is a fruit with vitamin C at best. Vitamin C is useful for keeping the immune system of pregnant women remained strong in the ward off free radicals and various disease-causing pathogen infection. However, note carefully the oranges that you will consume. Orange-citrus imports rumored to contain the bacteria Listeria which is quite risky for your pregnancy.

4. Papaya Fruit ripe papaya is a fruit-laden content of vitamins. Vitamins A and C being the most notable content and is the reason why the fruit from Mexico State this entered into the list of fruits that are good for young pregnant women. As cited from the journal the results of several studies, vitamin A in papaya fruit ripened more than 2 times the vitamin A in carrots, while his vitamin C 1.5 times more than contained in citrus fruits.

5. The fruit of the date palm Dates being one of the good fruits for pregnant women according to Islam due to the sugar content that reaches more than 70%. The sugar contained in fruit of the date palm not cause weight problems and diabetes. It is thus useful to add to the energy of pregnant women during her early pregnancy. The fruit of the date palm also contain a variety of other important nutrients such as iron which can relieve the problem of anemia, potassium is useful to overcome constipation, and folic acid which is able to prevent the fetus from the risk of neural tube defects.

Disalin dari, Blog Ibu Hamil Indonesia.


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